Follow Up
In order to assess whether, and to what extent, the course has reached its objectives and expected results the participants will have to answer, during and at the end of the course, a set of relevant questionnaires that will be provided by the course providers. The results of the questionnaires/survey or a so-called evaluation report will be available to all participants of the course.
As a follow-up to the training course, the participants will be asked to produce and implement an individualized strategy that will attempt to help their schools develop and innovate in specified areas. The progress of the implementation of this strategy will be monitored and shared among the community of participants by making use of the Open Discovery Space community of change agent teachers, enabling thus for ongoing reflection-on-action and for making possible improvements in the selected course of action. Through this process, opportunities for follow up interaction not only among schools, but also among schools and education/ innovation experts will also be offered.